Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Our New Blog and Why We Love Estate Sales

Welcome to our new blog! Exciting things are afoot for Shiny Go Lucky and we want to be able to share them with you.

We are a pair of sisters in our early twenties who hail from Southern California and recently started selling stuff on Etsy to earn some extra money on the side. We sell handmade jewelry and vintage items, and although we're still waiting for that first sale, we've got some more exciting pieces in the works.

Last week we spent some family bonding time at an estate sale, where we located a gorgeous vintage pearl collar. The girls of days gone by could really get their bling on, and we're thrilled to have this classy little wonder available in our Etsy shop!

Since this is our first post, it seems like the perfect time for us to introduce ourselves!

I'm the Big Sis! I love jewelry, my jewelry box is like a costume box (and who doesn't love dressing up?) I've had friends, roommates, and my Younger Sis all come to me when they need to accessorize outfits for costume parties or Halloween. In this way I've loaned jewelry to a sorceress, a fortune teller, and more, LOL! I also love vintage items and have spent hours staring at old jewelry and pocket watches in glass displays. I made jewelry years ago and am now kicking off a personal beading renaissance!

I'm the Younger Sis! I've definitely got the darker taste between the two of us, and so any way-out-there pieces will be from me. :) I'm the girl known in my circle of friends for having the goods necessary for an instant zombie costume. Lately I've been developing a good eye for vintage pieces, and am excited to start expanding on that horizon. What else? I'm a pirate as opposed to a ninja, Team Jacob, and sell stuff on Craigslist to help fatten my wallet.

Keep your eyes open for new developments from us!


  1. The collar is soooo beautiful, do you find things like this often?

  2. We go vintage item hunting two or three times a week, and that helps. Sometimes we find great things!
